If you could change places with another person for a whole day, who would you change it wth?
Have you ever thought of that? I had thought about it for a long period of time and I would definitely switch places with Selina Teresa Koerber without any doubt. Selina’s life is very interesting because she is a pretty and gorgeous girl with an awesome personality. She is smart and helpful. She is also German! But, most of all, she has lots of friends around the world who love and care about her. I would love to change places with her and she how she lives her life. I think I would learn a lot from the experience. If someone would give me the choice of switching places with Selina, I would never say no.
My friend Selina is the most beauriful girl in our school. Acting like her would be just marvelous because she is very funny aned spontaneous. She makes lovely jokes, and everybody laughs. Also, she does whatever she wants whenever she wants, that is why she is so spontaneous. She is very umpredictable. I do not do that because I am a bit shy when I an with people I do not know. However, that is nothing like a problem for her. For example, if she is in class and she wants to sing, well, she does it. She does not care about what people say about her. That is, for me, her best cuality.
Selina is also a very intelligent and smart person. She is always exaplains whatever you do not understand. And, if you still do not know how to do it, she will explain it again without loosing her patient. In fact, she does not only help you with your school work, she helps you with anything you need. Even if she does not know how to solve the problem. She will not stop until she obtains the perfect solution for you. Selina is very clever ans she obtains the best grades of our class. Despite being smart, she does not act like she knows everything. She always says that she is stupid to make you feel much better.
Selina is a German girl that is living in China, in the same school as me. For me is very supportive finding an European that understands what I am passing through. She also misses the part of her family that is in Germany as well as her friends there. As you can see, we have a lot of things in commun. However, her idea of life and mine are a bit different. I love how she uses filosofy to see the hardest parts of her life. She has always told me that she understands she is never going to be with er friends for a long period of time because she has friends all over the world. She says it with such a calm, that makes me feel small because I miss them a lot. Selina has friends all over the world, and that is a goal I want to achieve. I do not want to be in the same country all my life. I want to visit the world.
Selina’s family travels around the world. That is why she has family in Italy and in America. Her family moved and because of that, Selian can speak Italian and English. She has being to Italiy a lot of times. I think it is a beautiful country and I would love to visit it. Selina has also travelled to Florida, where other relatives live. She has had an amazing opportunity of travelling and learning languages. Just last school vacations, she went with her family to Puket. I like her family a lot. Selina has a ten-year old sister whose name is Sarah. Sarah is with us in our school and she is very funny. I havenever had a small sister, because I am the smallest in my family and I do not know how it feels like. Her mom makes delicious German food, and her dad is just amazing.
I want to be Selina most of all because of her wonderful personality. I would have the chance to visit Germany, Italy, and America. My goal is to learn as many languages as I can, and that would be an awesome opportunity. If I was her I would be a smart, pretty and awesome person. Selina and I are alike in many ways. Her life is also as simple as a teenage’s life can be, just like mine. However, Selina and I differ in many other aspects and that is why I want to have the chance of being her and learning from her life.