Reader’s Response:
Title: Lazy
Peter and His Three-Cornered Hat
Genre: Fantasy
Student’s Name: Beatriz Zambrano Serrano
Pages: 836-839
1. Identify and explain the meaning of a
symbol in the story.
The bags of
money represent the trick that Peter plays on the greedy, rich farmer.
2. State the
theme and defend it in a paragraph.
Be happy and
satisfied with what you have, don’t try to have more and more because
greediness ends badly.
3. Describe the
main internal and external conflict.
The external
conflict is between Lazy Peter and the farmer. The farmer wants more money so
he tells Peter to prove that whenever he puts his hat on, people give him
The rich
farmer has an internal conflict in whether to believe it or not. He finally believes it, though.
4. Compare the
lesson learned to a similar lesson you or someone you know has experienced.
When I was
four, my uncle gave me two coins with one euro in each one. I had two euros in
total. Then, my cousin came and he told me that he would give me three coins of
fifty cents each. He said “Three coins are more than two. I am practically
giving you more money.” I was so innocent and happy that I accepted. Then, my
other cousin came and told me “Bea, I’ll give you five coins if you give me
your three coins.” I was so amazed and thought that she was so stupid, so I
traded it. However, she gave five coins of five cents each. I started having two euros, and ended having
twenty five cents. When my dad found out, he made my cousins give me the money
back. But, I learned that it doesn’t matter the number of coins, what matters
is the value of those coins
5. Compare the
symbols in this story to a similar symbol in your life or someone you know.
biblical references greediness is represented by a frog. However, in some
mythology greediness is represented by a dragon. There are not a lot of symbols
to represent greediness, beside money.
6. Compare
the struggle in the story to a similar struggle you or someone you know has
like I said my struggle with my cousins was practically the same as Lazy
Peter’s struggle with the rich farmer.